Thanks for giving this template a chance, this is how everything is organized:
π toucan
βββ ββ π css (folder with all the CSS files needed for this template)
| |
| βββ ββ π blue.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π mint.css (this is the default css stylesheet which, among other things, declares the highlight color)
| |
| βββ ββ π neon-green.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π orange.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π pink.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π purple.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π turquoise.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π yellow.css (alternative color)
| |
| βββ ββ π spacing.css (custome paddding and marging)
| |
| βββ ββ π typography.css (declarations for selectors like h1, h2, h3, p, a, etc.)
βββ ββ π img [ folder for images ]
| |
| ββ ββ π icons (hamburger icon, left arrow, right arrow, and preview image)
| |
| βββ ββ π shop (images for shop page)
| |
| βββ ββ π works (images for work pages)
βββ ββ π js (folder JavaScript file for smooth scrolling)
βββ ββ π Vendor (folder with compiled files of Bootstrap and jquery)
| ββββ These are the only files you need to worry about ββββ
βββ ββ π blog.html
βββ ββ π index.html
βββ ββ π post.html
βββ ββ π shop.html
βββ ββ π tabs.html
βββ ββ π work-1.html
βββ ββ π work-2.html
This template comes with 8 different color choices. You may have noticed that the stylesheet "mint.css" is declaring the highlight color.
To change that highlight color to any of the other alternative colors go to line 18, on all of your html pages, and change the stylesheet for mint (mint.css) to any of the other stylesheets in the folder named "css." That line of code will look like this:
<link href="css/mint.css" rel="stylesheet">
For example, if you want to change it to the color yellow, it should look like this:
<link href="css/yellow.css" rel="stylesheet">
Now, if none of those float your boat; changing the highlight color to any other color is pretty simple. Just follow these two steps:
1. go to the mint.css
file (or the stylesheet you are using currently to set your highlight
color) and find the hex number
of the highlight color in lines 33 and 41. In this example, below, the highlight color is
#26E482 (Mint). We will change it to #FEE200 (yellow)
2. This color is mentioned 3 times, if we count the hex number in the favicon. Doing a
change would be the fastes way. Here is an example using Visual Studio Code:
(Optional) change the color of the text sitting over the highlight color on the navbar, for example in the case of this page, it would be the word "Documentation" in your case it should say "Toucan"
on the top of your html pages
If you want that text to be white, change the class text-nav
. This is where that is locate:
This step is optional since the black text may read well on the color you chose.
However, if the color you chose is of a dark hueβthe color white may offer a better
<!-- Navigation -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-color fixed-top" id="mainNav">
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<a class="navbar-brand js-scroll-trigger highlight-color" href="#page-top">
<h2 class="p-3 mb-0 text-uppercase text-nav">Documentation</h2>
If you want that text to be of a color other than white, go to the mint.css
file (or
the stylesheet you are using currently to set your highlight
color) and find in line 53 the class .tex-nav
, change there the color to any hex
color you want.
Fonts are fun and fortunately they are easy to implement. I am using Goolge fonts, check what they got here.
1. Copy the font family or font families' links into the
of your html pages. For example, the fonts I am using in this page are Mono Space for
titles and Montserrat for paragraphs. The links look like this:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
2. Go to the typography.css
file and change the
font attributes on the declaration: body, p, li, a, h1, h2, and h3 with the font you
linked. Again, that search-and-replace feature can help. The code will look something like
h1 {
font-family: "Space Mono", monospace;
p {
font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
These are all the components that come with this template
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